Monday, May 12, 2014

Reading Workshop - Monday, May 12, 2014

After reading your book during Reading Workshop/SSR, please answer the following questions.  Click to type in a post. Make sure to answer your blog by typing in your blog number (Ex. M912).  Remember, this number will correspond with your LA class period and your Chromebook number.  Then, Comment as:  Anonymous.  Make sure to post Anonymously, and make sure to include your number; so I know whose post it is when I am grading it.

What is the title of your book?  
Who is the author?  
Would you recommend this book to someone else?  Why or why not?

Tell me a little about the plot of your book.  If you had to write a quick summary of what has happened in your book so far, what would you write?  Make sure to include some information about the setting, characters, conflict, etc.


  1. M308
    Title: The Deathstalker Scorpion
    Author: Lisa Owings
    Yes I would recommend this book because it has a lot of very interesting facts about Deathstalker scorpions.
    Well, there isn't really a plot. It just tells you about some Deathstalker scorpion attacks and then the rest is facts.

  2. M302
    The Tiger Shark
    Sara Green
    Yes I would recommend this book to someone who likes sharks. This book talks about facts about the tiger. This book is a book full of nothing but facts. This book shows nicknames, facts, and encounters with tiger sharks.

  3. MS307 5-12-14 2nd hour
    Title: Kareem Abdul- Jabbar
    Author: Thomas Cobourn
    I would reccomend this book if you like basketball because it is about this basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and how he became a basketball player. Also, it talks about his life too.

  4. M213
    Fishing Have Fun, Be smart
    By: Dane Solomon
    I would recommend this book because it gives many facts on fishing.

  5. M220

    I read Divergent. I was written by Veronica Roth. I would recommend this book because it has suspense. The book so far is about the world is down and Chicago is surrounded by a wall. The place is divided by factions. A girl is sixteen changing her faction, or staying in her faction. She then chooses Dauntless, and her life has change from her previous faction.She has shoot guns, looks in a mirror more frequently, and fights.

  6. M310
    Ender Games
    Orson Scott Card

    I would recommend this book to others. My book is fast paced about a boy named Ender Wiggins. He is going to battle school and he is the smartest in his flight. The are in their shuttle on their way to flight to battle school. Their are twenty in his flight and he is the smartest and quickest minded.

  7. M215
    Neil Shusterman
    Their three main characters, Risa, Conner, and Lev. When you become 13 your parents can make you an unwind which means that they take your body parts and keep them alive and anyone who needs it can buy it. Risa, Conner, and Lev are all going to be unwinded and they have to find a way to hide.

    1. M315 I would recommend this book to someone else because it has a lot of different problems and they find cool ways to avoid it.

  8. M514:
    1. Scorch Trials
    2. James Dashner
    3. I would recommend this book to anyone. It is a very fast paced book with lots of action and suspense. I really like this book, and it is the second book in the Maze Runner series.
    4. After Thomas and his friends, the Gladers, get supposedly "rescued", they find out it's just the start of another trial to test their ability to save the world from the Flare, which is a disease that takes over your body and turns you into a Crank. Thomas and his friends run into various problem in a small three room building they are placed in, especially when Thomas finds out his friend Teresa is being controlled by WICKED. In a few days time, a man in a white suit shows up, telling them about their next trial called the Scorch Trials. They are placed out in the real world with one destination, to reach the end goal and get cured from the Flare. After walking for a long time, the Gladers run into a town which is infected by Cranks. They meet a family of Cranks not completely converted to the Gone yet, and two of them, Jorge and Brenda, help them get across the town in return for them getting the cure. Then, when the Gladers, Jorge, and Brenda are taking a break, an explosion goes off splitting up the Gladers and Jorge, and Brenda and Thomas.

  9. M503

    The Fault In Our Stars

    John Green

    Yes, I would recommend this book. It's a very humorous, yet heartfelt book. I love the plot, and the way it's written.

    TFIOS is about a girl named Hazel Grace who is suffering from stage four thyroid cancer which has spread to her lungs. Ever since she got cancer she has separated herself from the world; annoyed with being different. Reading, blogging, and sleeping is about all Hazel does. Until she meets Augustus Waters. He has one prosthetic leg from cancer, but is mostly cured. Hazel and Gus slowly fall in love. I'm in the part of the book where they are in Amsterdam.

  10. M517
    The title of my book is Proxy by Alex London. Although I am only on chapter seven, so far the book switched perspectives between Syd and Knox. Set in a futuristic and technology advanced world, those who are born into a wealthy family are lucky and can have the newest updated version of the technical gadgets and software, while those who are less fortunate, have to pay all of their debt back. They pay debt for simple things like school and have to pay all eighteen years back. Both Syd and Knox have completely different lives, but once Knox, the rich boy who doesn't have to work for anything, makes a mistake and crashes his car, he changes his own life and Syd's life as well. Since I'm not very far in the book, I haven't completely found out what happens exactly, but I would recommend this book to people who like reading science fiction or dystopian books.

  11. My book is Knight in Shining Suit written by a user on the app Watt-pad. I would recommend this book to someone that likes romance. I just started this book, so I haven't gotten very far into it. So far though, there is a girl, the narrator, that was a wedding planner. She got fired from her job because she was so upset that her fiance left her and was always in a horrible mood. Her fiance had cheated on her with her best friend/cousin who got pregnant with his baby. Now she is trying to be happy and find love again.

  12. M303
    My book is Alligators are not pets! by Mark Harasymiw, I would recommend this book to someone who likes gators.

  13. M311
    Title: Before I fall
    Author: Lauren Oliver
    I would recommend this book because it is a great book, I just started this book and I'm already half way finished with this book, this book keeps you wondering what will happen. There is also some romance in this book, with some parts a little more inappropriate but I still would recommend this book.

  14. M312
    The Bible
    I have no idea who the author is.
    I am reading this book because my dad wants me too for some reason. I can't either too say ill recommend it too anyone because i'm barely even far in it. Like i barely even started it.

  15. M305
    I'm reading Big cats are not pets. I would recommend this book to people who like lions tigers etc. This book talks a lot about people getting injured by a big cat because they wanted it as a pet. If you like nonfiction then it's a good book to read because it gives a lot of info on lions and tigers.

  16. M317
    I pledge Allegiance
    Chris Lynch
    I would recommend this book to anyone who likes information about war and also likes action because this book has lots of information of the Vietnam War and has some action.

  17. M304
    Title: Something Wicked
    Author: Anne Schraft
    Would you recommend this book: I would not recommend this book because this is very hard to understand and, the author skips around in the book and its hard to follow.

  18. M324
    My Book: Lock Down
    Author: Alexander Gordon Smith

    I would recommend this book to other people because it is suspenseful and heart beating thriller. Also if we like action in your books and good details this is the book for you. The plot of the story is their is a kid that steals things from other house robs other house and this murders kill his friend but what happens next I guess you will have to read the book to find out.

  19. M306
    Title- The Late Bus
    Author- Rick Jasper
    Recommendation- Yes
    I just started this book so I don't know much about the characters or anything yet. I do know that the kids favorite bus driver passed away because of old age and one kid in specific can still see her with her eyes open laying in the casket but nobody else. The reason I know that I recommend this book is because I love this series. I have read multiple books from the Night Fall series.

  20. M201
    Author-Marie Lu
    It was a decent dystopian book as far as they go, if you like dystopian I would recomend it.
    The world is divided into sections. When you turn ten you have to take a test that pretty much determines how you`ll live the rest of your life.

  21. m223
    Diary of a wimpy kid dog days
    This is a good story because it has a good plot and its about to rowley invites greg to the pool and his dream girl holly is there. you will have to read the rest to find out
    i would recomend this to people who like a little laugh but not to hard.
