Thursday, January 8, 2015

Library/SSR (Reading Workshop)

After reading your book during Reading Workshop/SSR, please answer the following questions.  Steps:  Click to type in a post. Make sure to answer your blog by typing in your blog number (Ex. M912).  Remember, this number will correspond with your LA class period and your Chromebook number.  Then, Comment as:  Anonymous.  Make sure to post Anonymously, and make sure to include your number; so I know whose post it is when I am grading it.

What is the title of your book?  
Who is the author?  
Would you recommend this book to someone else?  Why or why not?

Tell me a little about the plot of your book.  If you had to write a quick summary of what has happened in your book so far, what would you write?  Make sure to include some information about the setting, characters, conflict, etc.


  1. M213: The title is House of Robots by James Patterson and Chris Grabstein. I would recommend this to anyone preferibly a boy 12 and up. This book is about a boy who has a sister and a new robot brother named E. Some say E stands for error, some say E stands for Einstein Jr. This story takes place in a middle school and a the main characters house.

  2. M226
    Red pyramid
    Rick riordian
    I would reccomend this to people like exploring books and learning new things

    The book is about a little boy who is usually alone at home most of time when his dad is one a bisnuss trip. But when his dad came home one day he was talking about going to see some ancient secrets of egypt. And they went there, and looked the red pyramid and explored some things in the red pyramid.

  3. M216

    Title: Al Capone Does My Shirts
    Author: Gennifer Choldenko
    I would recommend this book to a friend because it has an interesting plot and is overall a great story.

    "Moose" Flanagan, a boy living on Alcatraz island, has an autistic sister. He has to deal with the warden's annoying daughter, Piper, and her dangerous plot to sell clothing washed by the Alcatraz convicts. When Moose tries to get his sister, Natalie, into a special school to help her, he ends up trying to get in contact with the biggest criminal of the time period - Al Capone.

  4. m223
    I'm reading the book Big Nate Out Loud. It's by Lincoln Peirce. The plot I think is mainley in gym. A quick summary is Nate is trying to find a fleece ball team and he didnt have enough people and the coach gave him the person he hates the most. You will have to read it yourself to find out what happens.

  5. M219-Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif, Rick Roiedan, I would recomend this book to someone else because it is a fun adventure book about a misbehaving 12 year old child who gets kicked out of every school he goes to in New York. Until the day when he goes to Mearyweather Acadamy. Mearyweather is a private school. Percy only two friends there they are grover a sytar who was sent to watch over Percy with out him knowing and Chiron a centuar who hides his horse half in a magic wheel chair who is his history teacher. On a feild trip to a muesem when a teacher who has always hated Persy grows wings and attacks him. The rest you will have to read the book to find out.

  6. M215

    The book I am reading is Tomorrow When the War Began. The author of this book is John Marsden. I would recommend this book to someone because it seems like it is full of action, and it seems very suspenseful. The plot is about two people that go camping, only to come back to find there whole town has been wiped out. They came back to their dogs starving and their families gone. Then before they know it they find out their country has been wiped out, and then they have to make a smart decision.

  7. M214

    My book is called Divergent by Veronica Roth. I recommend it because it is literally the best book I have ever read. It is about Chicago in the future. After a huge war, Chicago was divided into factions: Amity, Candor, Erudite, Abnegation, and Dauntless. When a girl finds out she is Divergent, she doesn't fit into one faction, she has to find a place to hide without the overtaking faction Erudite finding out.

  8. M208:My current book is the The Wedding Planner's Daughter by Coleen Murtagh Paratore.I would recommend this book to someone because it is like Parent Trap in the sense that they this little girl is attempting to get her teacher and her sad mom together.As for the setting we have a small town.

  9. M227
    The book I was reading was called Ever After Drake. The author of the book was Keary Taylor. I would recommend this book to girls, mostly because it's sort of a romance book but not that much. Another reason why I would recommend this is because Keary Taylor does a good job explaining feelings and description of the character's surroundings. The whole book was about this high school history teacher, named Kaylee Ray that just got a job at a new school and the other history teacher named Drake McCain likes her. After awhile they start dating then Kaylee feels like she has to break up with him because of something. Read the book to find out why!

  10. M203

    I'm reading Delirium by: Lauren Oliver. I'd recommend this to other girls that like books in the future. It has a bit of romance, but it is a cool story line. The main character, Lena, is just an average girl who follows the rules. She is about to get the cure to deliria nervosa which is love, but they believe love is a disease in this time period. She is excited to be cured and be free of the disease. She is getting evaluated to see who’ll she’ll be paired with when a stampede stopped everything. Then she sees a guy. Later, she met him and she’s getting confused about what to do. She thinks she might like him. Especially since her mom committed suicide because of the disease.

  11. M225

    The book I am reading is called Lost in the River of Grass by Ginny Rorby. I would recommend this book to someone else because it is mischievous, and it is also very adventurous. The plot of this book so far is about a very shy girl, Sarah, who goes on a field trip to the Everglades. She has no friends and these mean girls keep bullying her. Although, a boy, Andy, at the Glades Academy catches her eye, and he works there. They have a connection and he invites her to go on an airboat, and he lets her drive.

  12. M218

    Book:True Legend
    Author:Mike Lupica
    I would recommend to anyone that likes sports.
    The beginning of the book starts off with Drew or true as his nickname being introduced and that he is the top High School prospect. Then later in the story you learn that he is in love with this girl named Callie. They eventually go out with each other and have a good time. Where I am in the story is when he gets suspended for two games because he crashed his moms boss's car. He is now not suspended and has a huge game that he is about to play.

  13. m220

    My book is Dork Diaries Tales from Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker. This book is written by Rachel Renee Russell. I would recommend this book to girls only because it is a very lovey dovey kind of book that boys wouldn't like. So far my book is about a girl named Nikki and she got “asked out” on a date to a place called Crazy Burger. But, she didn't actually get asked out. So she starts dancing around everywhere and gets really tired and kept waiting and waiting for him the answer her texts. That is all i ready and what has happened for now.

  14. M222

    The book I am reading right know is Millon-Dollar Throw.
    The author of the book is Mike Lupica.
    I recommend to people who likes sports or just football. The reason why I recommend to those people is because all his books are sports books.
    This book about kids that play football and trying to make it to the Superbowl. All I read about it so far is them practicing and talking about football. Some of the characters are Nate, Abbey, Coach Burnley, LaDell. The conflict there trying to win the playoff and Abbey leaving on Sunday. The setting is at school and at the football field, and at Nate's house.

  15. M912

    The title of the book I am reading right now is Red Rising by Pierce Brown.

  16. M508

    The title of the book I am reading now is Witch and Wizard The Gift.

    The author of the book is James Patterson.

    I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone who hasn’t read the first book because you wouldn’t know what was going on.

    Whit and Wisty are facing their conflicts from the last book, they are learning more about their powers and experiencing more. There really isn’t a setting because their moving a lot.

  17. M502

    The title of the book I am reading is Travel Team by Mike Lupica. I would recommend this book to someone who would enjoy sports,and basketball. Also, I would recommend this to boys and girls. Also, age it doesn't really matter I would say 5th-8th grades. This is a book about a boy Danny Walker who is pretty good at basketball, and wants to try out for a good travel team. One problem he is always the smallest court on the team. Also, the travel team coach is mean too. He doesn't make the team, his dad who used to be in the NBA he trains Danny to be better. Read The book Travel Team by Mike Lupica to find out more.

  18. m512
    I read The Dead by Charlie Higson. I would recommend this book to kids that like a series of book. It’s about a lot of kids that are in the apocalypse and they are having to get save a stay together. Food is hard to get and they are the have to gat other supplies. IT the setting is london.

  19. M514

    The title of the book I previously read was Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko. Yes I would recommend this book to a friend because it is about Alcatraz and all of the bad people that were there at Alcatraz. The plot of the book is it is at Alcatraz and about how a boy named Matthew “Moose” Flanagan lives on Alcatraz because his dad is a prison guard. His dad took this job so his sister Natalie could go to a Special School. Moose meets a girl named Piper which he thinks is nice at first but he finds out she is mean. Another character is Moose’s sister, Natalie. She has autism. Piper gets Moose to be a part of her plan by making money from doing laundry. Moose regrets it.

  20. M509

    The title of the book I just finished was The True Colors of Caitlynne Jackson by Carol Lynch Williams. I would recomend this book mostly for girls because there are two sisters that are the main characters, but i’m sure anyone would like to read this book. Also if you like suspense then you should try reading this book. This book is about Caitlynne and her sister Cara who have an abusive mother, but trys to take care of them. This is in the summer at there smaller house .One day their mother says she’s had enough and she leaves. She leaves them money for food, but not enough because they run out. So now they bike to their grandma’s house that is a far way from their home.

  21. M210

    The title of my book is I Am Number Four. I actually read the whole series. The author of I Am Number Four is Pittacus Lore. I would certainly recommend this book to someone else. I would recommend this book to someone else because I loved reading it and I'm hoping for the author to write the sixth book. The book is about a kid named John smith. He and eight others lived on a planet called Lorien. Lorien was being invaded by aliens and nine kids were able to escape plus there ceapen that went along with them. They boarded a spaceship and flew to Earth, but the invaders followed them and tried to kill them. They had to split up and try and survive. At a certain age, they developed legacies like invisibility and the ability to breath under water. Also, they have a charm on them that says they have to be killed in order. It was an amazing series and I hope you decide to read them.

  22. M506

    The title of the book I am reading is The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. I would recommend this to my Dad because he likes fanatical books like the Dragonlance books. The plot of The False Prince is there’s a country named Carthya, thats taken a beating it lost its Prince Jaron. Who was killed out at sea from pirates from Avenia. Conner, a rich nobleman takes in Sage, Roden, and Tobias to convince the King of Carthya that one of them is his son. Conner will only choose one of them to convince King Eckbert.

  23. M217

    The book I am reading is The Blood of Olympus, and it's by Rick Riordan. I would recommend this book to someone that likes mythology and likes adventure. It's about 7 half-bloods that have to try to save the world in less than 5 days from giants and there are two sides of half-bloods, Greek and Roman. They are fighting with each other because the Romans stole a statue of Athena that is a greek godess and they have been fighting ever since. The Romans are planning to destroy the greeks camp at the same time the giants want to destroy the world.

  24. M221
    The Testing.
    Joelle Charbonneau
    I would recommend this to Vito maybe because, he likes action adventure.
    So far what I have learned is that Cia got chosen for The Testing which is a series of test. So she went to the The Testing building which is huge. And her old roommate has alreay hung herself of stress, so she got a new room. And every night she has nightmares of walking in and seeing her old room mate there hung dead. So far she has already passed either 1 or 2 of the first challenges. But she is worn out and tired. So shes in the 2nd challenge and you have to find out what's in this box, and if you open it there’s these items that you have to separate poisonous and nonpoisonous. So she sees these 2 people die already . So theres a little of what i learned so far.

  25. M209

    The Title of the book is Call Waiting, by R.L. Stine. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of the goosebumps series or like suspense books in general. I don't have anyone specific to recommend it to though. The plot starts out as a girl who keeps getting phone calls from someone that she doesn't know, while she is home alone. Each phone call describes where she lives and details about her and her home, which if that happened to me I would be out the door, like I would be knocking over old ladies, it wouldn't be pretty. But anyway, back to the story, she thinks the calls are coming from a girl in her schools who's name I can't remember. In fact I can't remember anyone's name from the story. The town where the story took place was not named, it was just somewhere in the United States. The story took place during the 1980s, and mostly in the girls house. The characters in the story, (who's names I can't remember) are the protagonist, who is a girl in high school, and there is a side protagonist who is her male cousin from a different state. There are multiple antagonists in the story, one of them is the protagonist's older brother, and the other is her rival from school. I wont spoil who the caller is, but it's a good book.

  26. M206
    I'm reading The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson.
    would recommend this book because I really don't like any dystopian novels, and that's what is really popular now. I also like stories set in the past. In addition, it has a lot of action and not quite to much romance.

    So far the book is about Elisa, the bearer of the Godstone. She is really smart and kind of witty. Elisa is forced to move and secretly marry Alejandro. After a while she gets kidnapped and must help this civilization. She creates a plan for war and while spying on the enemy she gets captured. Her friends run of, but one is missing. That's as far as I am in the book. :)

  27. M504

    The title of the booking am reading is The Running Dream. It is by Wendelin Van Draanen. Yes I would recommend this book to other people because it is a really good book. This book is about a Girl named Jessica that got in a bus accident on the way to a track meet (her favorite this to do is run). She had to get her leg, from her knee down amputated. She thought she would never be able run or do anytime again. Her track team got together and did fundraisers to buy her a running leg that is $20,000. They get the leg and she runs everyday. She wants to get her disable friend name Rosa to run. So she trains and pushes a wheel chair with sandbags in it. At the end she pushes Rosa in a ten mile race in the wheelchair and Rosa gets to run.

  28. M206
    The book I am currently reading is I Am Number Four By: Pittacus Lore. I would recommend this book to someone because once you read it its hard to not finish it. Right now in the book the Main character “John Smith” just gained his first legacy. A legacy is a power that the lorien get after time. John first legacy is Lumen, it gives him the power to not burn. When John was starting to get his power he was at school. He described the pain and nails in his skin and tingly-ness. Also, his hands started to glow with beams of light.

  29. M517

    The title of the book I am reading is Outpost by Ann Aguirre. I would recommend this to people I am actually still reading it but I still recommend it. There are four main characters Deuce , Fade , Stalker , and Taegan. These main characters meet in the first book. They are in a small town thats kinda like the past but what happened was that these monsters called freaks were made and attacked. There are lots of ruins and no more government. The freaks are getting smarter and are trying to attack the town. Thats all I know so far because I haven't finished it yet.

  30. M513

    The book I am currently reading in Deep, Dark, and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes ghost stories. I’m close to the middle but, I really like it. The book starts with Ali and her family. Ali was looking at old photos and found a ripped picture she looked on the back it said Dulcie, Claire, and T… She wanted to know so she asked her mom and her mom grabbed it, ran upstairs, and shredded it. Her Aunt Dulcie and Cousin Emma came to visit since they moved to Maine and Emma has no friends yet and wont start preschool till next year so Dulcie asked Ali if she wanted to go to Maine with them for the summer. Her mom and aunt used to live in Maine but them one day they stopped. Claire didn’t want Ali to go but she let her. Ali went anyway. Emma and Ali live by a lake and meet this girl names Sissy and Ali doesn’t like Sissy because she thinks Sissy has something to hid. One night Ali and Emma are going to play a board game and she had seen Claire Dulcie and Teresa but Teresa was all crossed out so Ali thinks the T… stands for Teresa. Sissy was with Emma and wanted to swim so she ran to her mom and yelled “We are going to go swimming!” he mom turned to see her and Sissy duck down so she didn’t see her. That's all I know for now.

  31. M515

    The title of the book I am reading is Border Town Crossing the Line by Malin Alegria. Yes, I would recommend this book to a girl. The reason I would recommend this book to a girl is because I think they would enjoy reading about two girls and their family restaurant. There is a twist to the book though, they end up getting robbed by someone…. They think its one of their own workers, read the book to find out who it is. I’m going to tell you about one of the girls named Alex. Alex was kind of quick towards the beginning of the book but towards the middle she meets a boy named Dex and hes a really bad influence on her. That was just one of the characters in the book there are a lot more like the grandma she is super funny. This is a very interesting and funny book to read. Read the book to find out who robbed their restaurant!

  32. M207

    The title of my book is 20 Grand American Short Stories by a series of American men and women old-time authors such as John Steinbeck, Katherine Anne Porter, and Stephen Vincent Benet.

    I would mostly recommend this book to people who have a strong interest in old novels like Split Cherry Tree and After the Ball. Both of which can be found in the story.

    Basically, you can tell what the story is about just by looking at the title, old stories. But after reading most of the book, I found the story "The Heyday of Blood" very entertaining. It's about a little boy that leaves to see his 88 year-old grandfather who despite his age, always enjoys a good party. I found it a really good book for me to draw images in your mind as I read on and I found it very enjoyable.

    I haven't finished yet, but so far the stories are really interesting and amusing due to their beginnings being full of questions and at the end, you still have questions that aren't answered. A majority of the characters have a sense of humor and like to joke around. Each story has it little own conflict and way of solving it, mostly in a very chilled-out sort of way.

  33. M204

    I am currently reading I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore. I am not far enough into the book to decide who it would be good for. My book is about an alien boy named John Smith that is in hiding with his guardian Henri from another alien race called the Mogadorians that are out to kill him. John Smith is his current name in the story. They have to move around place to place to avoid being found. He has to get a new identity wherever he moves to as well. Where I am in the story, they just moved to Ohio and it is John's first day of school there. He meets Sarah Hart, the daughter of his real estate agent, and he develops a crush on her. I am enjoying the book so far.

  34. M213

    The title of my book that I just finished reading is I Survived The Shark Attack of 1916. The author of my book is Lauren Tarshis. I would recommend this book to kids who like suspense and intense moments in their stories and books. I think that because there are a lot of suspense and intense moments in this book. The setting of my book takes place in Elm Hills, New Jersey. The main character is Chet. The other characters are, Sid, Monty, Dewey, and Chet's Uncle Jerry. Chet and the others became friends in the beginning of the story. Sid, Monty and Dewey usually went down to the Elm Hills Creek on a hot sunny day to cool off. They offered Chet to come too and Chet definitely wanted to. Chet went down there as soon as possible, but no one was there yet. Chet didn't really care and just jumped right in the creek. while Chet was sitting there, he saw a big black fin. He thought his friends were trying to prank him but he was wrong. When the shark got close enough, Chet saw the dark black eyes and started to run. Chet ran as fast as he could straight towards the shore. The shark darted towards Chet. Chet didn't look back. He just kept running. The shark caught up with Chet. Chet was only a few steps away from shore. The shark was right behind him now. CHet was one step away, but it was too late. The shark bit Chet's leg and blood was everywhere. The shark swam away. The other boys came just in time to save Chet and take him to the hospital. That is a summary of my book.

  35. m53

    The title of the book I am reading right now is Woods Runner. The author of Woods Runner is Gary Paulsen. I would recommend this book to anyone who tikes being out in the wilderness. So far what I know about the book is that a kid Samuel and he is trying to find his parents because they got captured by the Red coats and they take them away from Samuel.

  36. M516
    The title of the book I’m reading is The Scorch Trials by:James Dashner.
    I would recommend this to someone who likes death and gore because there is cannibals and lots of shooting and death. Someone who likes action would like this because there is running explosions and crazy people.
