Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 2 Journal Topics

A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Act 2 Journal Topics

Please pick one journal topic and answer that topic using complete sentences.  Use evidence from the play when appropriate.

  1. Puck possesses the magic flower that has the power to make someone fall in love with the first person he or she sees.  What would you do with such a flower?  Write the different ways you could use this flower for fun, pranks, or to heal broken hearts.  Choose one scenario and write a dialogue between the lover and the recipient.

  1. “Be it cat, or bear, or boar with bristled hair...wake when something vile is near.”  These words are spoken by Oberon out of spite and jealousy as he places the “love potion” on Titania’s eyelids.  How do you feel about Oberon playing this trick to get what he wants?  Have you ever tried to manipulate someone to get what you wanted?  How did you feel, and what were the consequences of your actions?

  1. Pretend you are one of the fairies attending to Titania’s sleep.  Write a lullaby for the queen using images from nature that are soft, soothing, and serene.  Include metaphors and similes that complement your wooded surroundings.  Remember, you must impress the queen!

  1. Oberon plans for Demetrius to fall in love with Helena, but it is Lysander who awakens bewitched.  We’ve all had experiences where something we planned didn’t work out how we wanted.  While Oberon had the magic flower to remedy his situation, real life doesn’t offer such simple solutions.  Write about a time when something didn’t work out for you as planned.  What caused your plans to fail?  Did things eventually turn out better or worse?  Looking back, is there another plan of action you could have taken?  If you had the magic flower to fix your situation, how would you have used it?

  1. Though it is clear Demetrius loves Hermia and not Helena, Helena continues to pursue him.  Even after Demetrius tells Helena he will leave her alone in the woods “at the mercy of the wild beasts,” she still follows him.  Human nature sometimes makes us want things we can’t have.  Why do you think not being able to have something makes it more desirable?


  1. M227
    Q2. I think it’s kind of selfish of him to do that. Even though I said it’s selfish, I have tried to manipulate someone to get what I wanted. My brothers and I were playing monopoly and I had plan of trading to get what I wanted with both of them. I ended up getting what I wanted and they realized what I did after we were done trading. Even when I did that, and got all of the good properties, I ended up losing.

  2. M24 What I would do is put the flower dust on someone who I really like and they would fall in with me. That is what I would do. Plus I would put it on hot models.

  3. M212
    Question 2
    I think it is a funny but bad trick to do. I have once tried manipulate someone but I ended up getting in trouble anyway so I haven’t again yet. I felt bad until I got in trouble.

  4. M225

    2. I feel Oberon should be punished for playing trick on people to get what he wants. I think this because that is selfish and rude to the people he’s playing tricks on. I have tried to manipulate someone by fake crying to get candy/ice cream when I was little.. I felt bad about it, but I didn't get punished because my parents never knew what I was doing.

  5. M226:Topic 2
    How I feel about Oberon placing the love potion on Titania’s eyelids I think is bad because he knows if he get’s caught he will probably get in real big trouble.I have never tried to manipulate somebody so I would get what I want.If I did that I knew that I would get in really big trouble and I mean really big trouble.

  6. M203: Journal 3-
    Our queen protected by the trees
    Wind blow away all foes
    Warm with petals so she doesn’t freeze
    Sleeping perfect as a rose

    The nature is our haven
    So crazy yet serene
    The night falls dark like a raven
    Oh please protect our queen

    Everything evil is gone
    With the sound of our song
    Protect our queen from those like Oberon
    For he is horribly wrong

  7. M215 Q1
    If I had this flower I would use it on all the supermodels, and make sure they see me first. “I, Kate Upton, love Vito” Kate Upton would say. She would wake up in her mansion, with all her money. Then, she would love me, and give me a lot of money. I would brag to all my friends that Kate Upton loves me. After that, I would be famous and everyone would know me because of Kate Upton. I would get even more money from that, and I would be filthy rich, and be loved by all the super models.

  8. Question #1

    I would probably be some kind of superhero called Love-Man that goes around and helps out the people that need it most in their relationship. Don’t file for divorce! Just call Love-Man! Love-Man’s high quality services equal nothing but greatness! Got a crazy crush that you want to woo? Don’t bother going to buy chocolates and roses for her! Just call Love-Man! My services are rated highly amongst many people that have used my magic before, and you’re sure to get the results you want. Just call 1-888-LOVE-MAN today!

    Just take a look at one of my quality services!

    CLIENT: “Hello, is this love man?”
    ME: “Yes, this is Love Man! How may I help you today good sir?”
    CLIENT: “Yes, well, I have this divorce I’m dealing with and I don’t have the money to go through with it, and I got this beautiful daughter that we’re fighting for custody over. I need to save the relationship!”
    ME: “I’m on my way!”
    -two hours later-
    CLIENT: “Where the heck have you been? I’ve been waiting for two hours!”
    ME: “I’m sorry my services are slow, but at least I’m saving your daughter and your marriage.”
    CLIENT: “Okay. She’s asleep in the bedroom. Go do your thing.”
    ME: “Alright, I’m getting big money for this, woman! Love this man or I’ll make sure you never work in this town again.”
    CLIENT: “Thanks, Love Man!”
    ME: “Any time, pal!”
    WOMAN: “Love me!” *jumps on top of the man*
    ME: “Good luck, my friend!”

  9. M222
    Oberon plans for Demetrius to fall in love with Helena, but it is Lysander who awakens bewitched. We’ve all had experiences where something we planned didn’t work out how we wanted. While Oberon had the magic flower to remedy his situation, real life doesn’t offer such simple solutions. Write about a time when something didn’t work out for you as planned. What caused your plans to fail? Did things eventually turn out better or worse? Looking back, is there another plan of action you could have taken? If you had the magic flower to fix your situation, how would you have used it?
    One time I stole home when the catcher missed the ball but instead it hit the backstop and bounces right back to him and he got me out. The brick backstop made this plan to fail. Things actually turn out better caused I got mad and next time I was up to hit I hit a home run. Another plan of action is I shouldn't have gone home. If I had the magic flower I would made the ball hit the net and not the bricks.

  10. M222

    4. Oberon plans for Demetrius to fall in love with Helena, but it is Lysander who awakens bewitched. We’ve all had experiences where something we planned didn’t work out how we wanted. While Oberon had the magic flower to remedy his situation, real life doesn’t offer such simple solutions. Write about a time when something didn’t work out for you as planned. What caused your plans to fail? Did things eventually turn out better or worse? Looking back, is there another plan of action you could have taken? If you had the magic flower to fix your situation, how would you have used it?
    One situation where my plan didn’t work was when I tried to steal home during a baseball game. The catcher missed the ball and I thought I had plenty of time to get home. The ball hit the backstop and bounced right back to the catcher. He then got me out. The brick backstop made this plan fail. Things actually turned out better because I got so mad that the next time I was up, I hit a homerun. The plan of action was I shouldn't have stolen home. If I had the magic flower I would steal home, but I would make the ball hit the net and not the bricks. Then I would have had time to make it home safe.

  11. M204 Question 5

    Even though Demetrius does not love her, Helena still pursues him. Desiring something you can’t have is common in human nature. I think it is mostly out of greed, and humans are sinful by nature. There are also more complicated reasons. People can want things they don’t have if they get bored with the things they already have, like a children with toys. Other people do it because they are stubborn and don’t want to admit they can’t get what they want. Helena is one who thinks if she waits and tries, she will get her way, which makes her a stubborn person. Some people may do this because they want the challenge of trying to overcome the obstacle and getting what they want. Everyone does desires things they can’t have, but some of us just take extreme measures to get those things.

  12. M205 Q-5

    Humans are a thing of nature. When we want something. We get it. So when Helena finds out that what she wants is also something she can't have, she’s going to go after it. I think its the chase that make us more interested and it also makes us curious. For example, if a little bird was curious about a forest, but is not allowed to go in wouldn’t the fact of not being able to go into the forest make that bird want to go in even more. In a way thats the same as Helena wanting to love demetrius but she can't have him. Those are some reasons why I think that not being able to have something makes it more desirable.

  13. M218
    question 3
    The waters are sparkling, the sun is shining, the birds are singing.
    Go to sleep my dear queen.
    The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying, the wolves are howling.
    Go to sleep my dear queen.
    The angels are singing, the moon is smiling, the stars are shining.
    Go to sleep my dear queen.

  14. MS207 "What makes things we can't have more desirable?"
    Honestly, I'm not exactly sure why things we can't have are more desirable. But my thoughts are that, because we can't have it, we're forced to work for it. My other thought is we might just want something, simply because others desire it as well; a bit like a bandwagon. However, these are just theories, I still do not know why we so strongly need the things we can't have.

  15. M202
    I think that having or wanting something that we can't have is part of human nature. Many people get jealous or envy and that makes them do things that they normally wouldn't do.

  16. If I had the flower, I would make all the hot super models to fall in love with me. Then I would start bragging to my friends that hot super models love me. Then I would make Kate Upton to fall in love with me. She is SUPER HOT! I would also help the people that have a broken heart to get together with someone. Those are a few things what I would do with the flower.

  17. M219 If I had Puck's magic flower I would make every one bomb Isis areas by making the leaders of countries's wives fall in love with Isis members and make the wives try to go there and the leaders of nations blow them up so they can't go there. The dialogue would be
    "I'm leaving you Barry," Says Michelle.
    "Why?" Obama asks.
    "Because I love Isis." Says Michelle.
    "No you're not going!" Shouts Obama.
    "Why am I not going?" Asks Michelle.
    "Because I blew up Isis." Obama says as he hits a button to shoot nukes.
