Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 1 Journal Topics

A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Act 1 Journal Topics

Please pick one journal topic and answer that topic using complete sentences.  Use evidence from the play when appropriate. Make sure to use your blog number when entering your comments (blog as Anonymous too). Your blog number will be M for Munsterman, your language arts class period, and your Chromebook number. Ex. M912

  1. According to Lysander, “The course of true love never did run smooth.”  Agree or disagree with this quote by providing supporting evidence from the play, real life, TV shows, songs, and/or movies.

  1. Helena tells her best friend’s secret to Demetrius - that Hermia and Lysander are eloping.  Was it wrong of her to do this?  Write about a time you told a secret.  How did you feel?  Did the person whose secret you told find out?  What were the consequences of this act?

  1. Hermia and Lysander believe they have no choice except to run away together so they can get married.  Discuss the pros and cons of running away from a problem.  What would you do in Hermia’s and Lysander’s situation?  Do you think they’re making the right choice?  What are some other options they could consider, if any?

  1. Hermia takes control over her life when she refuses to marry Demetrius and runs away with Lysander.  Helena, on the other hand, follows Demetrius, hoping he will return her affections after hearing of the elopement.  Discuss these two women according to their decisions.  Is it better to make your own fate or trust that things will eventually turn out the way you want them?  What do Hermia’s and Helena’s actions reveal about their personalities?

  1. Hermia takes a big risk by running away with Lysander.  Under Athenian law, she could be put to death by disobeying her father!  Write a letter from either Hermia or Lysander to Egeus, Hermia’s father, trying to convince him to let Hermia and Lysander marry.  In the play, Demetrius had formerly “wooed” Helena, and then deserted her.  Can this information be used as a way to make Egeus realize that perhaps Lysander is a better match for his daughter?


  1. m212
    I agree with this because of the fact that most true loves don’t just know it they usually have to argue and fight then realize they they are true loves. Unlike in the movie/play the true loves just love each other. In most t.v. show there is an argument, fight, or they hate each other until they realize they love each other.

  2. M227
    Q2. Yes, I think it was very wrong for her to tell her best friend’s secret. I’ve told one person who someone else liked. I kind of felt guilty because she told me not to tell anyone. She never found out because about a couple days later, she liked someone else. I didn't really have any consequences for my actions. But now, she told me who she liked again and I haven’t told anyone.

  3. M219 Q3 There are some pros and some cons one of the cons is that Egeus would want to hunt Hermia down and kill her. A pro is that it would work if they don't tell Egeus where they are going. If I was in this situation I would probably do the same thing, and I think that this is the right thing to do. There is one other situation which I would prefer and it is them killing them selves because this play has no deaths.

  4. M225

    2. I think it was wrong of Helena to tell Demetrius her best friend’s secret. It was very wrong because it was a huge secret and she was just being selfish. I have told a secret before. A friend told me something personal and I told another person. I felt horrible and regretted my decision right after I did it. The person whose secret it was did find out. The consequences of me telling their secret was I lost my trust and they didn't tell me anymore secrets until I could prove I was trustworthy.

  5. M203: Question 2: I think it was wrong of Helena to tell Demetrius Hermia’s secret (especially since it was a very big secret), but I’ve told a secret before too. In my defense, the person I told their secret tells secrets of mine all the time, but that doesn’t make it any better of me to do. I told my friends who the person liked to my friends because they kept bothering me. I felt really guilty. The person found out and was pretty upset, but I apologized and now we’re all good!

    1. Good! Sounds like it worked out in the end!

  6. M221


    I think some pros and cons of them two running away are. Some pros are that they would be able to get married because they both love each other. Also they will get a new start. And I would just run away and tell no one. I think they could considering telling someone like Helena and if she tells Theseus then kill her. To kill Helena if she tells Theseus that they are running away.

    1. Don't you think if they kill Helena, then that would just add to their problems?

  7. M215 Q3
    If I was in Hermia’s and Lysander’s situation, I would run away. I think they are making the right choice because she doesn’t love Demetrius, and she can’t marry Lysander. I think there would be no other options, because any other options someone would be sad, and Hermia and Lysander deserve to be together. A good thing is that they get to get married, they get to be together, and they get to be happy. The only bad thing is that they are running from their problems. Although they are doing the right choice, I cannot blame them for running away, because any other solution will not let them be together and happy.

    1. Good answer to the question, and great job supporting your reasons!

  8. M2:17 Question 5
    Dear Father,

    I know that you want me to marry Demetrius but I don’t love him. Why would you make me marry someone I don’t love? Didn’t you love my mother, and didn’t she love you? Also, Helena is my best friend and Demetrius wooed her and then once you betroved me to him he broke her heart because he wants to act like he loves me, but Lysander loves me for who I am, not a person that he can use to say that he loves. Lysander doesn’t love me because he wants money, he loves my personality and the way that I love him back. I do love you but I would rather die than not be with Lysander.

    Your dearest daughter,

    1. I think "Hermia's" letter to her father is very persuasive!

  9. M220

    I chose the third option. I think that it was wrong to leave right off the bat but it was right away with only telling one person about what they are doing. But, I also think that it was okay for them to do because they love each other very much so they didn't think about it and they just wanted to be together. I think that what I would have done but I would have told more people than just one .I also don't think that they did the right choice because they should have tried to talk to Hermia's dad more to try to change his mind.

  10. M206

    According to Lysander, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Agree or disagree with this quote by providing supporting evidence from the play, real life, TV shows, songs, and/or movies.

    I really do believe in that. Not only in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, when everyone falls in love with the wrong person and even more obstacles get in their way, but also in many movies and TV shows. Like in the new movie The Longest Ride, a girl and a guy fall in love, but the guy has a dangerous job and soon gets a serious injury. He can’t stop because that is all he knows how to do. Hopefully, somehow it all works out. In an older television show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S Ross and Rachel have many difficulties. Not quite like the last example, but they get in a huge fight and break up early in the series. Later on they are an on and off relationship. In one of the last seasons they have a kid together, but aren't married. In the very last episode, Rachel is going to move across the world to Paris for a job, but gets stopped by Ross confessing his love. In almost every example of love in movies, TV shows, and real life there will be many obstacles in the way no matter what.

    1. You did an excellent job of answering this question! You have both a topic and a concluding sentence, and you provided "evidence" from other T.V. shows/movies to help support your answer. Well done!

  11. M210

    Dear Egeus,

    I am asking your permission to marry your daughter Hermia. I do everything in my power to make her happy. Also, I treat Hermia way better than demetrius would ever do in a lifetime. To add, Demetrius has been showing his affection to Helena and then left her. Furthermore, Hermia is actually in love with me and not with Demetrius. I know you wouldn’t want to see Hermia unhappy, so please reconsider the marriage of Hermia and I.


    1. Great letter! Very persuasive! You also did a nice job including transitions, which helped your sentences to flow well.

  12. M208:Question1:
    I have to agree with Lysander saying that romance isn't a straightforward, nicely paved road because the American Psychological Association says about 40-50 marriages end up in divorce:). Another reason I agree is that there is thousands of movies made about breakups and the scary creatures called teenagers who cause this.In fact people have made lots of lists about said movies Every year according to 700 marriages a year end up in murder. Yeah I'm gonna leave the post there. Not every romance is destined.

    1. Wow! Your post is both funny and slightly depressing! :)

  13. M216

    Question #1

    I agree with the statement that true love never did run smooth. When I read this sentence my mind immediately went to a certain TV show called Friends.. but I’ll address that later. In the play, Lysander and Hermia have to go through eloping, jealous friends, and desperate fathers that want you to marry other people just to get to be together. If that’s smooth, then I’m not sure I want to know what rough is. Anyway, in the TV show Friends, two of the main characters, Ross and Rachel, have had an off-and-on relationship for over 6 years - they’ve had a child together, they’ve been married and divorced, and yet they’ve only actually dated once. For a year. Yes, the road to true love is a bit rocky. Case closed.

    1. Absolutely hilarious post! Excellent job making your points and then providing evidence from Friends to support your points. I really enjoyed reading this post! :)

  14. M209

    In the story, Hermia is being forced to marry Demetrius, but wants to marry Lysander, so she decides to run away with Lysander. I think this is mostly a bad idea, since it is very likely they will get caught, and if they do run away, they have almost no where to go, and will have no where to live. It was a pretty dumb idea. I think (Since this is a Shakespeare play) that would kill themselves. Like jump off a bridge or something. It just makes more sense to me since it is a Shakespeare play. Its not really a better idea, since they would be dead, but I think it would make for a better story. And to have the play in the story mirror what happens to Hermia and Lysander. The play would just have to be more humorous. And, I don’t think they were making the right choice than running away. They also could murder their parents, so they wouldn't have to marry. It makes the story seem more like a Shakespeare play.

    1. Wow! Murder the parents?!

      I agree with you...Shakespeare does have tragedies, and if you mirror Romeo and Juliet, death of the two in love would make sense. Good job explaining your opinion and then supporting it.

  15. m223q1
    It is wrong because she is being mistreated and she tried to run away and Helena told someone. One time I told a friend that I liked someone. I thought I trusted him but now I never tell him secrets. And I felt awkward to be around the person because she found out. I also felt embarrassed for awhile. There really any consequences for this except that I didn't tell that friend anymore secrets.

    1. That really stinks! You definitely experienced the consequences of your friend spilling your secret because it was uncomfortable for you to be around the person. Probably smart not to tell that friend any secrets until he/she regains your trust.

  16. M218
    Some pros are that they will get married and live a happy life. Some cons are that if they go back into Athens they might get in huge trouble and maybe die. I would run away but never come back to Athens and stay wherever we go. I think they are making the right choice but I think they should protest about this because it should be by true love not what your father says. I would kill ourselves because of love.

    1. I agree with you on the protest, but remember that Theseus has given Hermia three choices: 1. Marry Demetrius, 2. Be sentenced to death, 3. Join a nunnery. What should she do if these are her only three choices left?

  17. M201

    I agree there are always bumps in the road, no matter how big or small. Many people marry but end up divorcing and have kids stuck in the middle. Or some of my family marry and don't divorce. Some people don’t have a good marriage, but some people have such a good marriage that they don’t fight often. Many people rush into marriages.

  18. M226 Question 2:It’s wrong for her to tell Demetrius because she knows if she tells anyone that she will be taking the risk of living or dying. A time I told a secret I knew I took a risk because if you have a friend thats not good at keeping secrets then there probably gonna tell sooner or later. I felt a little nervous because I knew if he told that I would be embarrassed. He didn't find out but if he does I would be in deep trouble. If the person finds out then I knew what the consequences would be. I would be embarrassed so I kinda don't want that person to find out.

  19. M222

    Question 2.
    Helena tells her best friend’s secret to Demetrius - that Hermia and Lysander are eloping. Was it wrong of her to do this? Write about a time you told a secret. How did you feel? Did the person whose secret you told find out? What were the consequences of this act? It was wrong of Helena tell her best friend secret. One time one of my friend told me who he like and I told it to my other friends. I felt bad because they were making fun of him. These person did find out right away. There was no consequences of this act.

    1. I would say there was kind of a consequence though. You felt bad, so that could be somewhat of a consequence.

  20. m205 q-5

    Dear Egeus,
    Father I ask you to please reconsider your decision on Lysander and I. I know that you and I have different opinions on Demetrius, but I wish to change your mind. I never loved Demetrius, and I never will. I would like to arrange a date. Maybe you and Lysander can have brunch and talk. Maybe you will start to like him more. That is all I ask of you. I am not marrying Demetrius and that is my final decision so its your choice. A happy daughter or a dead one. That's all I have to say.

    1. Ooh! Your idea of getting Egeus and Lysander together to meet was good, but I wouldn't issue threats at the end. If you're trying to persuade someone of something, you could lose them when you go that route.

  21. M204 Question Four

    Hermia and Helena are two very different people. Hermia is one who wants to make her own fate and do things her way. You can’t run away from all of your problems, but that was the best choice for her. Helena is one who thinks she can wait and hope she gets her way. She also thinks changing herself will get her what she wants. I think Hermia’s choices are better because if you want something done, you can’t always wait and hope for the best, you have to do things yourself in life. It might not even get better anyway.

    1. You did an excellent job here of comparing and contrasting the two characters. You provided your points for each character and then answered the question about which character's choices are better. Well done!

  22. M207 Question 1

    When Lysander said the quote "The course of love never did run smooth," I both agree and disagree with this quote. The reason I disagree with this quote is because I've read and watched numerous books and movies where love ran completely fine. However, I also think this statement is somewhat true. Love has been the cause of many conflicts including jealousy, anger, cheating etc. So to summarize my thoughts, love can be good but can also cause problems.

    1. Very true! Great points were made for both sides.

  23. M211 Q-1

    The quote “The course of true love never did run smooth” does still hold meaning and is quite true (sadly).To first understand this, we should break it down. In simplest terms, it means “True love never comes easy” I have three examples from Media to fit this definition. First we have the movie The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Don’t like it? Sue me.) In this movie’s predecessor, Peter Parker was given an ultimatum by Officer Stacey (His Girlfriend's Father) to either stop being a superhero, or break up with Gwen. In the second movie doesn’t follow this, until he thinks of what could happen to Gwen, so to protect his one true love, he leaves her. Next I bring in another Shakespeare play, one that I yell at a lot, Romeo and Juliet. In this play a 13-14 year old girl from one kingdom falls in love with a 16-17 year old boy from another kingdom. Neither of their parents approve and things ensue, where they meet in secret and are married. Through this all the get five people killed including themselves showing that true love isn’t easy. Third and finally we have The Rolling Stones’ song Used to Love Her (It’s all Over Now)”, where a man has met a woman he truly loved that made him feel good “Eased his aching head” and find through years that she had been cheating, lying to him, taking his money, and living like a queen. He in at first denied it, but now accepts it claiming he “Used to love her, but it’s all over now.”. He leaves angry at being taken for a fool for years. These are some examples that prove Lysander’s quote.

    1. First, I really enjoyed reading your post. Second, you provided three excellent pieces of evidence to support your point of view. Very well done on this post!

  24. Dear Egeus,
    Father, can you please let Lysander and I marry. I don't want to marry the person that you love, I want to marry the person that I love. If you don't agree with that, then me and Lysander are running away. Don't bother looking for us if we run away. But if you let us marry, we will stay here.

    Sincerely, Hermia

    1. This post is from M213.

      If "Hermia" is trying to persuade her father, she should provide more reasons why she and Lysander should be together. You don't necessarily just want to threaten to run away. You want to give more reasons why he should pick Lysander over Demetrius.

  25. M210

    Helena continues to love Demetrius for many reasons. First of all, the grass is always greener on the other side. Helena loves him even more as Demetrius rejects her because if someone wants something they will do everything in their power to get it. Also, if Helena keeps thinking about not being with Demetrius, it will make her try even more to get what she wants. For example, I wanted an iphone. Even though I couldn’t get one, I still tried to persuade my parents to get me one. In conclusion, people will try everything they can to get what they want.

  26. M208Q1: I was walking about the forest one day when I stumble a man incredibly similar to Puck. After realizing a flower laying next to him, I realize I have extreme power. In the night I planned and and executed said plan. The next morning Adolf Hitler awoke with the weirdest need for someone. He soon traveled the lands looking for his needed one. Many years pass and he arrives at the mythical location, The Swamp. "Shrek, oh Shrek please come out of your swamp." He cried, dropping his suitcases.
    His needed friend came out and stared at him, looking at him with a flame in his eyes." It's you!" he shouted with joy and ran over to him, embracing him in warm Shrek hug. They stayed in that swamp forever, ultimately preventing World War ll. In death they haunted the swamp forever in awesomeness, floating and being happy without judgement.
