Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reading Workshop: Tuesday, January 14, 2014

After reading your book during Reading Workshop/SSR, please answer the following questions.  Click to type in a post. Make sure to answer your blog by typing in your blog number (Ex. M912).  Remember, this number will correspond with your LA class period and your Chromebook number.  Then, Comment as:  Anonymous.

What is the title of your book?  
Who is the author?  
Would you recommend this book to someone else?  Why or why not?

Tell me a little about the plot of your book.  If you had to write a quick summary of what has happened in your book so far, what would you write?


  1. M912

    The title of my book is The Fifth Wave. It is by Rick Yancey. Although I haven't read much of this book yet, I would definitely recommend it to other readers. In what I have read so far, the book has really caught my attention. I think I only read three pages of the book before I was hooked. The author seems to have a good sense of humor (sarcasm comes out a little in his writing), and it seems like it will be a fairly action-packed book.

    From what I have read so far, the book is about a girl named Cassie, who is one of the few survivors on Earth (from an alien invasion). Cassie lives alone in the woods, trying to stay hidden. According to Cassie, the aliens look human, so it is difficult to tell who you can trust. This is from the jacket of the book, "After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one. Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them."

    I believe this is supposed to turn into a series, so I would say anyone who is interested in series and Sci-Fi, should definitely check out this book!

  2. M306~ My book is called, "Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging" The author is Georgina Nicholson. This is kind of a girly book and has some inappropriate parts so if you like that kind of book then I would recommend it. The main character in this book is named Georgina and she has a cat named Angus. The story is taking place in a neighborhood with a lot of kids and in a school.

  3. M319

    Title- Letters from a nut
    Author- Ted L. Nancy

    I would recommend this book if you like reading short funny stories. The book has a bunch of funny letters that he writes to businesses and companies. The author writes about random things, which makes it funny.

  4. M307

    The title of my book is Tom Brady
    The author of my book is Matt Doeden

    I would recommend this book because it is about Tom Brady and how he became a NFL quarterback. If you like football and love to read about someone who just doesn't quit this book will be great for you. Tom started his sport career playing baseball, but he was more interested in football. He joined the high school football team and had great success. He then was picked to play with the Michigan Wolverines in college. After playing well and winning the Orange Bowl for the Wolverines Tom Brady was in the NFL draft pick. He was then taken by the New England Patriots in the 6th round.
    That is all I have read so far.

  5. M320

    My book was "Middle School Get Me Out of Here" by: James Patterson.
    I would recommend this book to someone else. If someone likes a funny story they should get this book.

  6. M210
    Free-Fire Zone
    Chris Lynch
    Yes I would recommend this book to those who like war books and adventurous books
    There is this man that goes to Parris Island and he is going into war and hes been training. He gets sent out to South Vietnam and he is called cabbage. He goes out and he gets to shoot at what ever he wants to shoot at

  7. M505

    The title of the book I have been reading is Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. I would highly recommend this book for someone who has a Christian faith. I found it very inspiring and reassuring. This book is a true story written by ordinary people that have had an extraordinary experience with a little boy. I personally could not stop reading before I even started!!

    From my understanding, a young boy is given the gift and pleasure of meeting God, angels, and members of his family which have passed into Heaven (through his dreams). This young boy shares his experiences in Heaven with his family, who tends to be a little skeptical until miracle events start to occur. The boy explains his insight on Heaven, proving to his family, and the world, that Heaven is for real.

    1. I have been wanting to read that book! It sounds really good!

  8. M529

    My story is called Dreamland, and the author is Sarah Dessen. I wouldn't recommend this book unless you're into sad-ish stories. (I wasn't aware it was sad until I started reading it.)
    This book is about a girl names Caitlyn. After her sister ran away, she became really sad. Her bestfriend Rina make Caitlyn tryout for Cheer. During cheer, she met a boy named Rogerson. He is a pretty bad kid. Caitlyn soon starts dating Rogerson, and for months, is sure she loves him. Until he gets very abusive. He starts to control her life, and Caitlyn is completely blinded by the whole thing, because she loves him. Until one day Caitlyn's mom finds out. I'm not going to spill most of the ending, but it was really sad. If you think you can handle it, read it. It's a good book, just very sad.

  9. Soldier Boys
    By, Dean Hughes
    I'm not very far into it but I would recommend it to a friend. Only if they like stuff on wars.

    It's just mostly about the start to WWII. Pearl Harbor just has been bombed by Japan who has made an alliance with the German and took us by surprise. The main character's older brother is strongly considering going into the army and is going to with or without his parents approval. Even though his father wants him to be a preacher.

  10. Denver Broncos. Yes, because football history is great. The Broncos faced many challenges.

  11. The title of my book is Nightmare Academy Monster Hunters by Dean Lorey. I recommend it since there are some neat concepts, and it is very intriguing. It really just makes you want to read more.


  12. I am reading Sunset by Erin Hunter. I am on page twenty, so I can't tell you much about the book, but I can tell you about the series.
    Erin Hunter writes tons of books. With Warriors, there are four series, with six books in each. They follow Rusty, and his journey from a kittypet into a warrior of Thunderclan, one of the four forest cat's clans.
    I love the books, but they do have a fair amount of death and romance in them. But, they are super exiting and well written.

  13. M616
    The title of my book is The Fall of Five by Pittacus Lore. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action, sci-fi, and some humor. It is a series, this is a fourth one, about a group of 10 aliens, called the Garde, meant to save their attacked planet from dying. The are called Loriens. Then, there is a group of aliens that destroyed their planet called the Mogadorians. Now, their battle is continuing on Earth. All of the Garde has come together, and they are practicing together to prepare to take on the leader of the Mogadorians, Setrakus Ra.

  14. m613
    The title of my book is Inkheart and it is written by Cornelia Funke. So far I would recomend this book because it has a lot of mythology and I like that kind of stuff. The plot is kind of hard to determine because I haven't read that much but there is this father and daughter and someone is after them for there special powers so someone comes to warn them to get away.

  15. M603

    Divergent Mini Series- The Transfer
    Veronica Roth

    I would recommend this to people who have read and/or loved Divergent, because it explains Four's story, of how he became Dauntless.

    This book revolves around Four. It shows his back story, how he became who he is. This short-story talks about his childhood, his father, his tough-life decisions, and how he became Four, the tough and humble character we know today. I like this story because it shows us what the Divergent series never did- Four's back story.

  16. M617
    The title of my book is I Am Number Four by "Pittacus Lore" a.k.a. James Frey and Jobie Hughes. I would most defiantly recommend this book to others. Dystopian is my favorite genre, but I Am Number Four is a science fiction, and I really enjoyed it. It is also a series. There were lots of detail, and a plot twist that you would not have expected. The summary I would write for this book would be:
    There were aliens who lived on another planet, and thrived, before another species of aliens from a nearby planet, attacked and destroyed it. Nine children who have "legacies," or inhuman super powers, made it out alive and now live on Earth. They are growing stronger and are controlling their powers, yet they do not know each other. When they left their planet, they were each given a number. The aliens who obliterated their planet, can not kill them out of order.(Number five can not be killed or hurt until numbers one through four are dead.) They have spent their entire lives lying and constantly leaving from place to place, so when their meeting comes earlier, they have to save the rest of their species.

  17. The title of the book is The 39 Clues (Book 1). Rick Riordan wrote the book. I'm almost done with this book and so far it is really good! I would recommend it to other people. If you like families feuding, then you will like this book. The book is centered around Amy and Dan Cahill trying to find clues their grandmother, Grace, left for them before she died. Apparently the long line of Cahill's is one of the most powerful families in the world. Amy and Dan have to race around the world against some relations they didn't even know. I love this book so far and will continue to read the series.

  18. The book I'm reading is called The Scorch Trials by James Dashner. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the first book in the Maze Runner series because there are a lot of new and exciting twists and turns.
    So far in my book the gladers have lost and gained some people in their group. They have also been told that they are part of an experiment to help cure a disease called the flare. The next part of the experiment is to go through the scorch, the most burned out place on Earth. I'm not very far in the book,but I like it so far so I will continue reading.

  19. M608
    I am reading Crossed by Allie Condie. I would recommend this book to people because I think that it keeps people interested. In the book Cassie is in love with Ky, but she is suppose to love Xander because that is her match. Anyway, her and Ky are in different outer provinces to fight for the rebellion. They are trying to find each other so that they can be together, but odds are against them.

  20. M518 The book is called The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson. It's Hunger Games-like and it's great. The United Isles are in turmoil during a war in the 1800's. Joel is a kid learning to be a Rithmatist. He is the son of the old Chalkmaster at his academy. The war in Nebrask has left many people homeless. I would recommend this book to anyone that likes the Hunger Games and anyone that likes magic.

  21. Mrs. Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children.
    I forget the author.
    I would recommend it to others, but only people that are into this kind of book.
    It starts off with a little kid who's grandfather tells him stories about monsters and fairies and people with powers. But as the kid gets older he finds out that the stories are real, but with a little twist. When the kids grandfather was a child he was surrounded by horror, (He's Jewish), the monsters in the stories are actually Hitler and Nazi's, and the fairies are the group of people that saved him. When the kid finds out all that his grandfather has been through they grow a special connection. His grandfather is getting older and starting to lose his mind, and one day the kid gets a common call from his grampa screaming about how the monsters found him and are coming to get him. But one day it was a little different so the kid went to check on him. When he got to his grandfathers house he found that he had been brutally murdered by the monsters the child had always thought were imaginary.M528.

  22. M923
    The book I am reading is Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading love stories because the book is cute and romantic. What I've read so far is amazing and the book just kind of falls into place. Sixteenth Summer is about a girl named Anna and she's from Dune Island. Her family owns "The Scoop" which is an ice cream parlor that's on the pier. On the first night of the summer she meets Will. She instantly falls for him and he falls for her. They talk everyday and go everywhere together. Although Will is only there for the summer until August 29th and then he goes back home to NYC. Will is forgetting that he has to leave in the next six weeks and Anna has decided to remind him. They figure out a plan on how they can make the next six weeks memorable and their gonna live them together. I'm almost done with the book and I absolutely love it.

    1. m9 The title of my book is Gool. The author is Maurice Gee. I wouldn't reccomented this to anyone because it is kinda boring. I only read a couple of the pages so i can't tell u much but Gee has just returned to YA fantasy with gritty dystopian tale.

    2. What is your blog number? I don't know if this is from M3_ or M5_. Thanks!

  23. M224

    My book is Hero by Mike Lupica

    My book is about a boy that needs to stand out almost like his time is now. I would recommend this book to anybody that likes fights and bystanders almost like a bully story.

    1. Is this someone from 2nd period? I don't have 24 people in that class!

  24. M501
    I am reading The Boys Of Winter by Wayne Coffey. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sports or believes in miracles. I would recommend this book to those people because this book is about when the 1980 U.S.A Olympic Hockey Team beat U.S.S.R in the 1980 Olympics.

    This book is about the 1980 Hockey Olympics. It pretty much talks about the Olympic hockey game between U.S.A and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had always destroyed U.S.A. They also had won almost all the gold medals for the Olympics. They were the "Dream Team". But in 1980, history was made. Team U.S.A had to defeat Soviet Union in order to make the championship. U.S.A was the underdogs, but on February 22,1980 Team U.S.A had upset the Soviet Union 4-3. Team U.S.A ended up going to beat Finland to win the gold medal.

    1. I bet that is an awesome book! The whole story behind that is amazing. It is so inspiring that they were the underdogs and were able to come together as a team to defeat the Soviet Union!

  25. m313 The title of my book is snowmobiling.
    It was wrote by Arty ugburn.
    Yes if someone was interested in reading about snowmobiling.
    The story I read is non fiction but most of the info is from Wisconsin and Michigan. It starts out about snowmobiling history and then goes onto safety.

  26. M521
    Daniel X: Game Over
    By James Patterson

    If you are interested in novels that include action, science fiction, or both, this is the book for you . And if it isn't, too bad. I would recommend this book because it gets you intrigued and a fast-paced book right from the beginning. It is always filled with some kind of information or page-turner battle that keeps you interested until the very end.

    Daniel X: Game Over is the last of four novels in its series. The series is about an alien hunter from the planet Alpar Nok. His family and friends were all killed by an alien attack on their home planet. Fortunately enough, Daniel and his parents escaped. But unfortunately, the world's deadliest alien finds them and takes out his only remaining family. From then on out, he inherited alien hunting powers and devoted his life to taking out the alien that killed his parents.

  27. I'm reading a book called The Art Of Racing In The Rain, by Garth Stein. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a pet or just loves animals. The story is told from of dog's perspective. A man owns a dog and it's his best friend, but he eventually gets a girlfriend. The dog is pushed to the side and isn't as important to the man anymore. You really get to understand how a dog would think about your everyday actions. Just from reading it so far, I always think "Is this what my dog really thinks?" The book is not a magnificent novel by far, but it's a cute book to read for fun. It makes you question a lot about dogs and view things from their perspective. M627

  28. M308
    The title of my book is Greatest Warriors: Gladiators by Alex Stewart. I would recommend this book to people like to look at cool weapons and read about some history. The book mainly describes everything to you. There are also several weapons. They are the stabbing sword, the slicing sword, the net and three-pronged trident, and shields. I really liked the book and if you decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it too.

  29. M321 The book I am reading is called Hammer Heads by Sara Green.I definitely recommend this to every one! It's about how hammer heads migrate, eat, and where they live.

  30. M912
    The book i am reading is called "The Home Run Hitter" by: Matt Christopher.
    The book is about a boy named Sylvester Coddmyer. The title pretty much explains the Book. First off the boy Sylvester, is not a really good but he decides to join a team "The Redbirds" and there is this called George Baruth he said "Im going to make you the best hitter on the redbirds, well besides me." says George. Before Sylvester knew he was hitting triples, home runs, and inside the park home runs before he knew it.
    I would recommend this book to people who like sports books and suspense books because you will never know if Sylvester will get a hit, or strike out.
    This is really good book to me because i love baseball!

    1. Which class period are you in? Your number should be either M312 or M512, depending on your LA class period.

  31. M314

    The title of the book is How to safe a life and the author is Sara Zarr. I would recommend this book because it's can relate to some teens and it is for teens here's a little bit about the book. It is about a girl named Jill whose going through a lot since her dad died 2 years ago. Also her mom is adopting a baby from a girl name Mandy who is 19. Mandy is planning to stay with them until the baby is born,but Jill is not that excited about it and feels her mom is trying to replace her dad.

  32. M302
    The book I am reading is Black Anchor by Carl Bowen. Yes I would recommend this to anyone who likes a military book with people on secret missions. My book is about six people go on a mission to rescue their other squad member. Once they got their squad member they left and the Cubans defeated the bad guys.

  33. M34
    Title: Things hoped for
    Author: Andrew Clements
    Recommendation: I would diffidently recommend this book and this author. The book is great so far i'm not really that that far into the book only on page 50. If u like a good laugh or a a cliff hanger every time time to stop reading.
    Plot: the plot in the book is there is a girl that lived with her family but one day she decided to move in with her grandpa in a whole other state across the country just to accomplish her dream. She has always wanted to study music she lived music it was her life. She moved in with her grandpa to portray her dream to become a violinist.

    1. What is your actual blog number? M/LA class period/Chromebook number. Ex. M912.

  34. M507

    The book im reading is Rangers Apprentice:The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan. I would reccomend this book to anyone who likes action or adventure. Its based in the middle ages. I've only read a few chapters so far but it's really good. It's about 3 teens
    Will, Gilan, and Horace. They started to deliver a message of war to Morgarth(the enemy).

  35. I am reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. I actually just started reading Divergent a little while ago, and I love it so far. I would recommend this book to people who love to read action packed books. A summary of the book so far is everyone takes a test to see which faction you are in. There is a girl that her test comes up different.. divergent. She has to choose which faction she wants to go into.

    1. What is your actual blog number? M/LA class period/Chromebook number. Ex. M912.

  36. m216 I read Warriors the WHOLE first series. And its wonderfull... 1rst there is a cat and hes a house cat then he joins the clan and fights then becomes a warrior and the other cat tigerclaw was mad at him and tried to kill him and you will have to read the rest to find out

  37. m318
    The book I am reading is Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. The book is about a 17 year old girl named Aria who lives in an enclosed city. Aria and a couple of her friends leave the city and go outside witch is a place known as the death shop. I recommend this book to people who like adventure books. I really like this book. I haven't really got that far into the book but it is very interesting so far.

  38. I m reading the wish list and this book is about this : the old man tore a page from the pad and handed it to the reluctant spirit. meg took the sheet. there were at least twenty items on the list, most of witch had been crossed out. their images leaked out through the inklike ghostly reminders. lowrie wasn't exaggerating. his life had been a disaster. but four items were circled and numbered. " I don't get it," she said simply." it's not too late for these," said lowire, his face shining. " they can still be done." meg snorted. "

    i love this book it is a really good book i haven't goten that far in the book but I would recommend this book to people who love to read about dieing.


  39. M25 My book is the horn of Mormon Its a really good book it has a lot of suspense its a magical kind of book and I really love it you should try it!

  40. m215

    I am reading Rip Tide.
    The author is Kat Falls.
    I would not recommend this book to anyone else because it is very confusing. The book does not explain what is happening very well. Rip Tide starts of very confusing so the rest of the book isn't very great if you don't understand the beginning.

  41. M311
    Deep and Dark and Dangerous
    By: Mary downing Hahn
    Yes, I would recommend this book to anyone. This book is about a girl named Ali who goes to a lake for the summer with her aunt Dulcie and her cousin Emma. Everything is going great until Emma meets a girl named Sissy. Sissy is the combination of mean, hateful, and just plain scary. This is a really good book, I enjoyed it a lot, I've read it multiple times.

  42. m622
    By:Veronica Roth
    Yes I would recommend this book to everyone because it's thrilling, exciting, fast pace, romantic, and all around a great book that will keep you on your toes.
    Divergent is about a girl named Tris. The story is based in the future were Chicago is split into different factions. When Tris takes the test to decide what faction to be in, her test results come up inconclusive.

  43. m524

    Catching Fire

    By: Suzanne Collins

    Yes, I would recommend this book because its a very suspenseful and action thrilling book. Catching Fire is the sequel to the Hunger Games. This is about Katniss Everdeen and her struggle to survive in district 12. After she wins the Hunger Games she has to now go to the Quarter Quell. The Quarter Quell is every 25 years and its against the winners.

  44. M213
    Fishing Have Fun, Be Smart
    By:Dane Solomon
    Yes I would recommend this book because it expresses many different types of fishing

  45. M204
    Something Wicked
    By:Anne Schraft
    I would not recommend this book because it kind of confusing to me. It would skip around from place to place.
