Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Types of Conflict

Pick one type of conflict from the list below and give an example of that type of conflict.  Make sure to indicate which conflict you are using, along with the example.

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Machine (Technology)
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Unknown
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Self


  1. M912
    Man vs. Supernatural: An evil spirit haunts the old farmhouse where the family just moved.

  2. M912
    Man vs. Man: Two people are fighting over the last donut in the box.

  3. M318
    man vs. unknown: Jerry is home alone, in the backyard when he hears something in the house.

  4. M320
    Man vs. Nature:
    A man was stranded on a island and nothing to eat but a rice crispy treat and nothing to drink.

  5. m324
    Man vs man i was playing basketball for the school team.We were vrsng wilmo and they were pushing and elbowing. We let them push but we stand strong and won 32 to 25

  6. M36
    Man vs. Man: A man gets mad at himself.

    1. Good, but this might be more of a Man vs. Self example if another person was not involved. :)

    2. Make sure too when you type in your "name" that you have four things...M306, for example. Thanks!

  7. m309 man vs.unknown: I hear something up there,but what?

  8. M315
    man vs. unknown
    you are home alone, you hear a noise from downstairs and then it opens the door and runs away yet u cant see it. All you can see is a dark figure in the forest.

  9. M322
    Man vs. Nature: A young man got in a tornado while taking a walk.

  10. m307
    Man vs. nature: A bear attacked a man in the woods.

  11. m316

    man vs supernatural: i think my house is haunted.....why you may ask? well because my mom is there ... whenever i walk in my mom says get ouuuuuuttt....YOU DON'T BELONG im starting to worry...

  12. m310 Man vs.Supernatural: The evil goblin Zelzar ate the goat right in front of Timmy.

  13. M312
    Man vs Nature: a mans plane plane crashes in the ocean and he has to swim 1/2 mile to the nearest island, while in the water he needs to try to avoid getting attacked by carnivorous bull sharks and getting stung by jellyfish and strangled by giant squid, while he gets on the island he needs to try to survive from getting attacked from leopards, tigers, hyenas, rabidous dogs, and bear.

  14. m31 Man VS Machine : A scientist build a incredible robot. It can get everything you need, and provide you with ANYTHING you need, But on a early morning it started destroying Everything. It even killed the man , and the rest of the city . The end.

  15. m303

    manvsman my brother punched me in da face.

  16. M308
    Man vs Man: Two brothers fight to the death as a result of scarcity in food for their hometown.

  17. M311 : Man vs.machine A man fighting a toaster.

  18. M313
    Man vs man
    To friends fight and then they become friends again.

  19. m323

    man vs. supernatural: and evil unicorn haunts a family.

  20. m304 Man vs.Man: A young man walked into Walmart and was walking around grocery shopping and turned around saw a old man and robbed him and they were arguing about it and a worker saw them fighting and called security then the young man got arrested

  21. M314

    Man vs.Nature:A hunter ran as fast as he could to get away from the brown bear

  22. m319
    man vs. man: Two men were fighting over the last Cheese burger at the restaurant.

  23. m520
    eagle strike
    Anthony horrowitz
    Yes i would recomend it because it has alot of suspence and action

  24. m319

    Book- Stranded
    Author- Jeff Probst and Chris Tebbetts
    I would recommend this book if you enjoy survivor books.

    1. Oops! You commented on the wrong post! You want to comment on the post for SSR/Reading Workshop, not Types of Conflict. Please repost. Thanks!
