Friday, August 30, 2013

Reading Workshop 8/30/13

After reading your book during Reading Workshop/SSR, please answer the following questions.  Make sure to answer your blog by typing in your blog number (Ex. M912).

What is the title of your book?  Who is the author?  Would you recommend this book to someone else?  Why or why not?


  1. M503

    Title: Under The Never Sky
    Author: Veronica Rossi

    I would recommend this book to anyone who loves Hunger Games

  2. m514

    Dust Lands Blood Red Road.
    Moira Young.

    I would recommend this book to people who
    1. don't mind swearing that much.
    2. Don't mind death
    3. Liked the hunger games
    and 4. dont mind REALLY I mean REALLY dont mind bad spelling og\r grammer

  3. M526

    Title: Divergent
    Author: Veronica Roth
    I would reccomend this book because it a thrilling story about a girl who must survive being divergent.

  4. The title of my book is Everlost. The author is Neal Shusterman. I would recommend this book to people who like life and death or paranormal stories. It is pretty interesting and is about people who get in a car crash and die but it was in such an instant that they don't know they are dead.d

  5. I read Maximum Ride, book 3, Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports. I only stated it in class, because I finished the second book last night.
    It was written by James Patterson.
    I would definitely recommend this book to anyone how loves non-stop action, gut busting suspense, a very tiny bit of romance, and a portion of mystery. I cant guarantee it will be in this book, I'm on page 29, but if it's anything like the first 2 books, this book will be great!

  6. M508

    The Hunger Games By: Suzanne Collins
    I would recommend this book , because I think this is a book that most everyone would like in middle school to high school.

  7. M523

    The title of my book is Just another Day in my Insanely Real Life.
    The author of my book is Barbara Dee.
    I would recommend this book to anyone who is in for a cheesy but intense book.

  8. M511

    The title of my book is, What Would Emma Do?
    The author is Eileen Cook.
    I would recommend this book to others because it has a little romance, some plot twists, and I personally think it is a really good book.

  9. M913
    Percy Jackson Battle of the Labyrinth. The author is Rick Riordan. I would recommend this book because it is breath-taking and it's a really god serious if you like mystery or greek mythology.

  10. M517

    The title of my book is "Unwind" and the author is Neal Shusterman. I would recommend this book to others because, it has lots of action and suspense and will keep you guessing what will happen next.

  11. Cinderella Cleaners by Maya Gold
    I would recommend this book to others because it shows how she gets
    along with friends.

  12. M505
    Cinderella Cleaners by Maya Gold
    I recommend this book because it shows how she gets along with friends.
