Monday, September 9, 2013

Types of Conflict: Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pick one type of conflict from the list below and give an example of that type of conflict.  Make sure to indicate which conflict you are using, along with the example.

When you enter your comment, be sure to use the blog number assigned to you (M912) and post anonymously.

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Machine (Technology)
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Supernatural
Man vs. Unknown
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Self

SSR/Reading Workshop for Monday, September 9, 2013

After reading your book during Reading Workshop/SSR, please answer the following questions.  Make sure to answer your blog by typing in your blog number (Ex. M912).  Remember, this number will correspond with your LA class period and your Chromebook number.

What is the title of your book?  Who is the author?  Would you recommend this book to someone else?  Why or why not?

Active Reading Strategy (Visualization):  What is something that you were able to visualize while reading your book?